Friday, September 11, 2009

A new blog site to get updates and stay in touch about Monica!

Hi All!

I am just trying to create a single location where we can get updates and share information about the Baker's. The purpose of this is so we can be connected and on the same page.

Everyone has been asking what they can do to help, and here's some things!

First, Monica, as you all know, is ready to give birth anyday now. So to ease her last days before giving birth, I was hoping some of you would like to participate in making meals for Monica and Stuart. Monica has to care for Stuart since he has come home. He is still in bad shape with broken bones and massive pain. Monica has a lot on her plate and one of the simple things I thought we could do is to provide her and Stuart some meals. So the idea is we could use this blog space to list the day you would like to make Monica a meal this way no 2 people are making a meal on the same day. I advised Monica we are doing this, at first, she was hesitant, but she finally accepted. So if you could list your name and the day and date you would like to make her something, that would be awesome. Also, if you could go one step further and maybe list what you are going to make her or what you intend to make, so the next person could provide her something different? Monica and Stuart will be grateful for anything they get.
I also spoke to Monica and asked her ideas on delivery options of the foods. Since it's a trying time for Monica and Stuart, it was agreed that I could drop off the meal to them, or the person making the meal could drop it off and go. We ask that the person dropping off the meal respect their privacy and not expect to visit with them. Stuart is taking plenty of pain pills and Monica has been getting extremely tired.

The other idea is to collect monies for maid service for the Baker's. I will put a manila envelope in Dispatch between stations 1 and 3. Contribute if you would like. The monies would be given to Monica so she can have Merry Maids come in and clean once she has the baby. Monica was relying on Stuart to help with cleaning the house, but since he was involved in his accident, that's not going to happen!

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